Little Green Myths

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Top 4 Myths About Astroturf

In the quest for a low-maintenance, year-round green space, many homeowners turn to astroturf, also known as artificial grass.

When we were going through recent droughts, companies came out of the woodwork to promote turf as a way to conserve water.

But is this synthetic turf truly an eco-friendly choice?

Source: Ideal Turf

Myth #1: Astroturf Saves Water

While it eliminates the need for watering, astroturf doesn't magically solve water problems. Its production requires significant water, and its presence can disrupt natural water cycles by preventing rainwater from infiltrating the ground, potentially impacting local water tables.

This is the primary benefit of artificial turfgrass, but its benefits pretty much stop there.

Myth #2: Astroturf Offers Zero Maintenance

While regular mowing and watering are eliminated, astroturf still requires upkeep like weed control, infill replacement, and occasional cleaning. Additionally, its lifespan is finite, requiring eventual disposal and replacement, generating waste.

Astroturf also produces microplastics that end up in our rivers and ocean, and potentially in us when we consume fish from those waters.

Artificial turf plastic grass blades can break off from the turf surface and migrate into the surrounding environment, creating microplastic pollution as they break down into smaller pieces over time.

Artificial turf fibers can represent over 15% of the plastic debris in oceans and rivers. These microplastics are now everywhere in the environment and have even been found in the flesh of fish and people.

When you are ready to get rid of your astroturf look into recycling it, though sadly most ends up in landfills.

Myth #3: Astroturf is Cool and Safe

Astroturf can trap heat, making surrounding areas hotter, especially in urban environments. This "urban heat island" effect can worsen air quality and increase energy consumption for cooling.

Some of the hottest areas in New York City are artificial turf fields, rivaling black colored roofs in their heat retention abilities.

Research has shown that excessively hot artificial athletic fields can lead to heat stress, especially in children who are more susceptible than adults, turf burns, and the cancellation of athletic events due to unsafe playing conditions.

Runoff from artificial turf may contain pollutants like heavy metals and chemicals that can reach surface water or groundwater.

Numerous studies have shown that chemicals identified in artificial turf, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are known carcinogens, neurotoxicants, mutagens, and endocrine disruptors.

Artificial turf surfaces can leach heavy metals and plastics, and they contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that impact both human and ecological health.

PFAS chemicals are widely found in artificial turf because they are used in the artificial turf production process and are typically added as a coating to the grass blades as they are manufactured. PFAS chemicals are also known as “forever chemicals” because they do not break down under normal environmental conditions, and can last in the environment for hundreds of years, or longer.

Myth #4: Astroturf is Harmless to Wildlife

Unlike natural grass, astroturf provides no habitat for beneficial insects, pollinators, and small animals. It also disrupts natural drainage and can contribute to soil erosion.

In a natural environment animals can interact with the soil and many depend on bugs and other animals that live in the soil. With artificial turf, wildlife and the soil critters have no place to go.

However, if the field is primarily being used for recreational purposes, artificial turf may be better than natural turf since managers often use pesticides and insecticides to kill wildlife living on the field - no one wants to trip over a rodent burrow while trying to make the winning goal in the last second of a game.

Greening Your Yard the Right Way

Instead of solely relying on astroturf, consider these sustainable alternatives:

Embrace Natural Grass: Opt for native, drought-tolerant grass varieties that require less water and maintenance.

Xeriscaping: Employ landscaping techniques like mulch, gravel, and native plants to minimize water needs and create a low-maintenance landscape.

Rain Barrels: Capture rainwater for watering, reducing reliance on municipal water supplies.

Permeable Pavements: Use materials like gravel or pavers that allow rainwater to infiltrate the ground, replenishing aquifers.

Wildlife-Friendly Gardens: Plant native flowers and shrubs that attract pollinators and create a healthy ecosystem in your yard.

Ranking Astroturf as an Environmental Solution

Accuracy: The claim that astroturf is an environmentally friendly choice is inaccurate. While it eliminates water use for irrigation, its production, heat island effect, and lack of ecological benefits outweigh potential water savings.

Ease of implementation: Installing astroturf might seem easier than maintaining natural grass, but long-term upkeep and potential replacement needs negate this advantage.

Cost: The upfront cost of astroturf can be high, while sustainable alternatives like native landscaping and water conservation practices offer long-term cost savings.

Ethics: Supporting environmentally friendly practices, minimizing resource consumption, and promoting healthy ecosystems align with ethical considerations for sustainable living.

Impact on climate change: Minimizing water usage, reducing the urban heat island effect, and creating wildlife-friendly spaces all contribute to mitigating climate change, while astroturf's production and heat absorption have negative impacts.

Overall: Astroturf presents a limited solution to yard maintenance, often traded for hidden environmental costs. By embracing natural alternatives that promote water conservation, create habitat for wildlife, and minimize heat absorption, we can achieve a truly green and sustainable yard that benefits both the environment and ourselves.

Further Resources:

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): [invalid URL removed]

National Wildlife Federation:

The Xerces Society:

Remember, even small changes in our landscaping choices can have a significant impact on the environment. By opting for sustainable alternatives and advocating for green spaces, we can all contribute to a healthier planet, one yard at a time.