Write For Us

We’re always looking for new authors. If you’ve got an idea that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward, we want to hear about it.

Submit your article or infographic idea after reading the submission guidelines to be featured as a guest author and get a link back to your website/blog/social media. If you have an idea please contact us using the form on this page and we will get back to you.

Submission Guidelines

  • All articles must be unique, and may not be a copied/republished article from another site.

  • Article must be easy to read (with appropriate headings and sub-headings).

  • Do not submit articles that unreasonably promote either yourself or another company.

Please note that not all submitted articles will be published. Accepted articles may be edited by us, prior or after publication, at our sole discretion. This is done to fix grammar, or to make the article comply with guidelines and integrate better with Little Green Myths.

Article Format:

Title – The title should be concise, clear, SEO-friendly, and interesting, with less than 100 characters including spaces.

Authorship – The author’s name should be explicitly presented under the title section, even though the name has already been provided in your Guest Post Proposal form, to ensure that the article is not submitted by a third party. In the case that one or more co-authors are listed, we shall do so once the article is published.

Text – Your article can generally be 500 – 2,000 words in length. Each article should have a literary quality and ideally include proper subheadings, paragraphs, and/or bullet points to make them more readable. It is expected that your article should be meaningful or insightful.

Images – It is optional to add images. Please ensure you own the rights to the pictures. Any image should be at least 1080 pixels in width and include a caption.

Attribution –You should provide references or links to the sources of your data and/or your key points. The links that provide context, explanation, video, or further readings can be supplied. Footnotes should not be included.

Author Bio – Please supply us with a short biography about yourself at the end of your article. You can include 1 link to your website or where more of your work can be read. In the case that one or more co-authors are included, each co-author’s short biography should also be provided.